The CredentialOfferState is used to track of the creation date of the credential offer:

export interface CredentialOfferState {
  credentialOffer: CredentialOfferPayloadV1_0_13
  createdOn: number

The ICredentialOfferStateManager allows to have a custom implementation of the state manager:

export interface ICredentialOfferStateManager {
  setState(state: string, payload: CredentialOfferState): Promise<Map<string, CredentialOfferState>>

  getState(state: string): Promise<CredentialOfferState | undefined>

  hasState(state: string): Promise<boolean>

  deleteState(state: string): Promise<boolean>

  clearExpiredStates(timestamp?: number): Promise<void> // clears all expired states compared against timestamp if provided, otherwise current timestamp

  clearAllStates(): Promise<void> // clears all states

Here is an example, an in-memory implementation of the ICredentialOfferStateManager

export class MemoryCredentialOfferStateManager implements ICredentialOfferStateManager {
  private readonly credentialOfferStateManager: Map<string, CredentialOfferState>
  constructor() {
    this.credentialOfferStateManager = new Map()

  async clearAllStates(): Promise<void> {

  async clearExpiredStates(timestamp?: number): Promise<void> {
    const states = Array.from(this.credentialOfferStateManager.entries())
    timestamp = timestamp ?? +new Date()
    for (const [issuerState, state] of states) {
      if (state.createdOn < timestamp) {

  async deleteState(state: string): Promise<boolean> {
    return this.credentialOfferStateManager.delete(state)

  async getState(state: string): Promise<CredentialOfferState | undefined> {
    return this.credentialOfferStateManager.get(state)

  async hasState(state: string): Promise<boolean> {
    return this.credentialOfferStateManager.has(state)

  async setState(state: string, payload: CredentialOfferState): Promise<Map<string, CredentialOfferState>> {
    return this.credentialOfferStateManager.set(state, payload)


Pass an instance of the state manager to the VC Issuer Builder

const vcIssuer = new VcIssuerBuilder()
    name: 'example issuer',
    locale: 'en-US',
  .withInMemoryCredentialOfferStates(new MemoryCredentialOfferStateManager())