The wallet is currently in a beta stage and still incomplete Certain functionality might not be available yet

Sphereon Wallet

The Sphereon Wallet is a new breed of open standards, open-source, privacy-preserving applications, that gives you full and sole control over your own information. It enables you to manage your own data.


Your data is stored nowhere else but on your phone. Nobody else will have access unless you decide to share it with them. Only you decide if you want to share your data with someone else.

The Sphereon Wallet is build around W3C Decentralized Identifiers and can receive W3C Verifiable Credentials from Issuers and present them to Verifiers.

The wallet is build using our Apache2 open-source licensed SSI-SDK and its key/DID extensions, which you can use to create Issuer and Verifier agents as well as mobile and web wallets.

Technologies supported

The wallet supports or soon (*) will the following features:


Please note that this wallet is licensed as Apache2.0. Sphereon also offers commercial licenses.

Setting up

The first step to world-class documentation is setting up your editing environments.