You can receive Verifiable Credential from so called issuers. The wallet has support for multiple open standards to get these Credentials. Currently on the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance standard is enabled.

OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OID4VCI) process

The current wallet only supports the new OID4VCI specification for receipt of credentials. To get a credential issued to the wallet, using OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OpenID4VCI) the following steps can be followed. The below issuer systems were part of the JFF/W3C-EDU plugfest 2 to show interop for OpenID4VCI. Please note that the Verifiable Credentials issued by the below list are just for demo/testing purposes.

  1. Launch the wallet
  2. Navigate to the QR reader at the bottom left.
  3. Scan one of the QR codes of the following issuers:

These 3 links are Sphereon demo issuers, branded differently

Other issuers:

  • Diwala
  • Mattr has some issues in their environment currently (proofPurpose is missing)

  1. The first time you encounter an Issuer or Verifier system a Contact needs to be created. The Wallet will pre-fill a suggest name:
  1. Please note that you have to press the Accept button and make sure the checkbox is enabled

  2. Depending on whether the issuer supports issuing multiple credentials or not, you will have to make a selection. Note that the current wallet can only accept one credential at a time!

  1. Depending on whether the issuer is requiring a Pincode you will have to enter a pincode. Note this is not the pincode of your wallet!:
  1. You now will go to the Credential Offer screen, which is showing you the offered Credential:
  1. Review the Credential Offer and decide to either accept or decline the credential.
  2. If you accept the offer you will go to the Verifiable Credenital Overview screen and you will see the following message: