SSI Wallet uses Expo SDK v48 and React-Native v0.71.

  • Node v20.x.x
  • Expo CLI v6.0.1 or above
  • Yarn

Utility scripts

There are several other utility scripts that help with development.

  • yarn fix:lint - runs eslint --fix to fix code style.
  • yarn fix:prettier - runs prettier --write to fix code style.


Use a nvm (Node Version Manager) or directly install a LTS version of NodeJS. The version of NodeJS should be 18.x.x which is required for RN 0.71 to work. The app is not guaranteed to work with higher Node versions and it will certainly not work with lower Node versions.

Use nvm list available to list the available versions of Node.

Then install and make it the default. Please ensure you have proper permissions. On Windows this can mean running the command prompt or powershell as administrator!


nvm install 20
nvm use 20

You can use the following command to check the node version.

nvm current

NOTE: After installation be sure to close the terminal window. If installed from your IDE, be sure to close the IDE and start it (do not restart, as it might not pick up the latest environment variables)


We use Yarn as package manager. Install it with the following command:

npm install --global yarn

NOTE: After installation be sure to close the terminal window. If installed from your IDE, be sure to close the IDE and start it (do not restart, as it might not pick up the latest environment variables)

Starting the SSI-Wallet

The SSI-Wallet can be started by running one of the following commands.


expo android:start

For Android you need to make sure that your wallet is connect using a USB cable and that developer options are enabled. If you do not connect the phone using USB it will start the Android emulator instead

By default, it uses port 8081.

  • Ensure your phone and your development computer are on the same (Wi-Fi) network.
  • Ensure you phone is connected via USB
  • Ensure the firewall on you computer allows incoming traffic on port 8081.


You will have to use Xcode directly for now. We will work on getting the below command working.

expo ios:start  // Please note this command currently doesn't work

Run the below commands on the command line to update all dependencies.

yarn install
cd ios
pod install

In XCode select the Product -> Run option from the menu. (If you want to create a archive for instance for TestFlight, you can choose Product -> Archive). It will take some time for the app to start. In some circumstances you might not get directly to the app. If that is the case lookup whether the Sphereon Wallet application can be found in you apps. If so start it from there. You should see the bundler starting.