Please be aware that this library does not support the latest V2 specification!. Support will be added as part of a V3 major version of this library

The following changes has been made in the v2 version of the Presentation Exchange specification. V1 is still the most predominant version, because it is typically used quite a bite in OpenID4VC scenarios and interop profiles.

1: The required schema has been removed altogether from InputDescriptor properties, because it was confusing and redundant.

2: presentation_definition has another property called frame and if present, its value MUST be a JSON LD Framing Document object. Used for selective disclosure. Although this library does not use it currently, as we can perform it without frames.

3: filter has several more options for filtering:

  • formatMaximum
  • formatMinimum
  • formatExclusiveMaximum
  • formatExclusiveMinimum

As a result we introduced the PEX class to replace the former PEJS class. This class does feature detection on the presentation definition to determine whether it is a v1 or v2 spec. Then it delegates the functionality to the PEXv1 or PEXv2 class respectively. See also: v0.6 Breaking changes