Credential design exercises
OID4VCI Credential design exercises and explanation
In the below exercises we will be designing a new credential. Please read the credential branding and credential claims chapters first that explain the concepts of credential branding and claims.
Exercise 1: Credential design, gather resources
Please gather your requirements for how your credential should look like. Any logo you would like to see. What color should the background have, what color should be in the foreground. Do you want to have a background image as well?
Exercise 2: Define the claims you would like to see in the credential
Create a set of properties/claims that you would like to see in the credential (SD-JWT). Think about whether you want to have multiple levels in the credential (nested objects). What languages/locales would you want to use?
Exercise 3: What about revocation and expiration, refreshes?
How long should your credential be valid? Is that 1 year, indefinite, 1 month? Do you have a need to revoke the credential?
- What statuslist mechanism would you use then?
Exercise 4: What trust establishment mechanism do you foresee for your credential?
Although this might be a difficult question if you have not really learned much about this topic, it is an important aspect of your credentials. It defines how others can trust your credentials.
Some options to consider:
- Use X.509 certificates as an issuer
- Will these be Qualified? from a QTSP?
- Use DIDs?
- What DID method?
- Would you use trust establishment mechanisms?
- OpenID Federation?
- A Blockchain like EBSI
- Trust Registry Query Protocol
- Trustlist conforming to ETSI specifications