Mobile Wallet
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.3.0 (2024-08-01)
The license of the wallet has been made more permissive. We moved from GPLv3 to Apache2.
- Support for newer OID4VC specifications (OID4VP v20, OID4VCI v13/ID1, SIOP v13)
- Add support for issuer branding (logo)
- New faster database
- New datastore allowing for storage of different types of credentials (SD-JWT, JWT, mDl/mdoc), presentations and future remote storage
- New crypto implementation that is much faster
- Update to latest expo (v51) and react-native (v0.74)
0.2.0 (2024-03-28)
This release contains many improvements, including support for newer versions of the OID4VC specifications and EBSI support. Be aware that we moved to a new secure store implementation, meaning you will have to onboard again.
- Support for newer OID4VC specifications (OID4VP v18, OID4VCI v12, SIOP v13)
- Support for EBSI
- Support for SIOP only flows
- Better separation of logic and screens, using Xstate, allowing re-use between mobile and cloud wallet
- Only lock after an inactivity timeout for Android and IOS
- Better URL handling mechanisms for deeplinks
- Use latest expo (v50) and react-native
- Allow issuer name in a VC itself
- Add Emergency Screen support
- New storage and secure storage implementation using secure elements
Bug Fixes
- Show debug logs when configured in environment or .env files
- Sometimes all available credentials were shown in a SIOP flow when nothing matched
- Invalid point format on certain keys when converting from hex to JWK encodings
0.1.3 (2023-09-29)
- Better method matching in Verifiable Credential Issuance flows
Bug Fixes
- Format matching problem in Verifiable Credential Issuance flows
- Background color of cards not respected when set by issuer metadata
- Intent, deeplink and lock fixes